Originally from New York City, I moved to Colorado in 1991. Prior to starting my teaching career, I worked in the private sector as an instructional designer and freelance writer, contributing to National Civic League publications, the book Instructional Design for Web-based Training. I have also authored and photographed Mountain Biking Colorado, Mountain Biking Colorado's Front Range, and Mountain Biking Hut to Hut: Telluride to Moab, as well as written articles for various regional and national publications. I enjoy spending time with my family, mountain biking, skiing, boating, camping, training in aikido, playing guitar, and traveling. Countries to which I've traveled include French Polynesia, Peru, Costa Rica, Belize, Honduras, Mexico, Canada, Austria, Italy, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovania, Portugal, England, and Scotland.
Favorite Quotation:
"If words in the dictionary were misspelled, how would we know"? --Stephen Wright