My name is Mandy Johnson. I am starting my 19th year of teaching Family & Consumer Sciences in high school. I taught for 9 years in Loveland at Mountain View and this is my 10th year here at Poudre, as well as my first year working at the Future's Lab. I am the Spirit Fairy here at PHS and love to have and share my school spirit with everyone!
I teach Teen Choices, Nutrition & Wellness, Financial Life Management & Child Development at PHS, and the Early Childhood Education program at the Future's Lab classes).
Outside of school, I am a wife, a mom, and a Mimi. I love to go to concerts, listen to music & dance. I also love going out on my pontoon boat and entertaining friends and family on Boyd Lake in Loveland. I am obsessed with Halloween, Stephen King, and Donald Duck (to name a few of my obsessions). I am a fun-loving, adventure-seeking, child of the earth. One of my favorite lines from a song, and how I live a lot of my life is "Be fearless and play!"
I am an open book and welcome any questions you have if you want to learn more about me :) Please see my website if you want to learn more about me!