I am who I am because of who we are

I am who I am because of who we are

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Michele Niesent

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About Me

I am a Poudre Graduate. I attended Colorado State University on a softball scholarship where I earned my Bachelors Degree. I coached softball at Poudre for 15 years before stepping down to raise my family. I have 3 boys and a husband. My two older kids are now Poudre Impalas as well. I have a very athletic family and we love football and baseball. I am currently in my 17th year as the athletic administrative assistant. I am also the character coach for our softball program and the lead on the Athlete Character Council. Poudre is a great place to be.

PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.