It’s that time of year again when our Impalas "Sock it to the test!"
9th Grade Freshmen will take the PSAT 9 on Wed, April 14, 2021 at PHS.
10th Grade Sophomores will take the PSAT 10 on Tues, April 13, 2021 at PHS.
11th Grade Juniors will take the SAT on Tues, April 13, 2021 at PHS.
Bell Schedule - Week of April 12-16
Buy your Poudre Spirit Socks TODAY! $10, see our cashier in the main office!
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to do as a parent/guardian to register my student for these exams?
Nothing. All Colorado public school students are enrolled for these exams through Poudre High School.
How much does each exam cost?
Nothing. The Colorado Department of Education will cover all fees for Colorado public school students who take the exam at their school. Please note that this does not apply at other testing sites.
How can my student prepare for these exams?
Students can log into their College Board account at www.collegeboard.org and take practice tests and more. Freshmen will need to create an account with College Board. Students may access their scores in their account. For account login help, contact College Board at (866) 756-7346 | sat@info.collegeboard.org
Who can I contact at PHS with other questions regarding spring testing?
Your student’s counselor, PHS Counseling Department (970) 488-6074 or PHS Assessment Coordinator, Kendall Wilson (970) 488-6070 | kendallw@psdschools.org